Thank you for booking your virtual consultation! Here is what to expect.
During your virtual consultation, your consultant will be reaching out by phone within your window of time, or you may opt-in to a video call if you prefer. We kindly ask that you are in an area where you can have a medical conversation and that you are not driving during your phone or video consultation.
You and your consultant will be discussing your goals, expectations, and procedure options. We will be able to go over how to plan for your procedure, financials, surgeons, and scheduling.
In preparation, please send a front and side view where we can see the areas you are interested in discussing. We recommend sports bra/shorts, undergarments, or swimwear – we should be able to see the skin of the areas to properly assess.
Sharing Photos:
Here is an example of what to share.
Front / Back / Side
Thank you,
Sono Bello – Virtual and In-Home Coordinators
Direct Line: 801-335-9818
Text: 425-961-9196