Directions to Sono Bello Beverly Hills
(424) 253-99639033 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 100Beverly Hills, CA
Parking is on Wetherly Drive. We will validate parking – park in the structure.
1. Exit Wilshire Blvd going EAST
2. Take Wilshire Blvd for 3.7 miles
3. Sono Bello is located on the north side of the street one block east of N Doheny Drive
1. Exit La Cienega Blvd going NORTH
2. Take La Cienega Blvd for 2 miles
3. Turn left on Wilshire Blvd and go 1 mile
4. Sono Bello is located on the corner of Wetherly Dr and Wilshire Blvd on the north side of the street